Content starts here Settings for Eclipse Initialization Parameters (.ini)
This page last changed on Mar 19, 2008.

eDocs Home > BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide > Contents

Setting Data Service Studio Initialization Parameters (.ini)

Data Services Studio is an Eclipse plugin. As such, it uses an initialization file that is similar to the eclipse.ini file available in basic installations of Eclipse. This file in turn provides directives to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in which the application runs.

The default parameters provides with ALDSP are located in the following file:


When running aldsp.exe the settings in this file supersede any configuration settings in the eclipse.ini file.

By default the aldsp.ini memory settings are:


If you encounter out-of-memory errors associated with running an ALDSP project, try increasing the maximum memory setting. For example:


Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:54